Option Explicit
Private Declare Function PdhOpenQuery Lib "pdh" Alias "PdhVbOpenQuery" _
(hQuery As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhCloseQuery Lib "pdh" _
(ByVal hQuery As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhEnumObjects Lib "pdh" Alias "PdhEnumObjectsA" _
(ByVal lpDataSource As String, _
ByVal lpMachineName As String, _
ByVal lpObjectList As String, _
dwBufferSize As Long, _
ByVal dwDetailLevel As Long, _
ByVal bRefresh As Boolean) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhEnumObjectItems Lib "pdh" Alias "PdhEnumObjectItemsA" _
(ByVal lpDataSource As String, _
ByVal lpMachineName As String, _
ByVal lpObjectName As String, _
ByVal lpCounterList As String, _
dwCounterListLength As Long, _
ByVal lpInstanceList As String, _
dwInstanceListLength As Long, _
ByVal dwDatailLevel As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const PERF_DETAIL_NOVICE As Long = 100
Private Const PERF_DETAIL_ADVANCED As Long = 200
Private Const PERF_DETAIL_EXPERT As Long = 300
Private Const PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD As Long = 400
Private Declare Function PdhAddCounter Lib "pdh" Alias "PdhVbAddCounter" _
(ByVal hQuery As Long, _
ByVal szFullCounterPath As String, _
phCounter As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhRemoveCounter Lib "pdh" _
(ByVal hCounter As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhGetCounterInfo Lib "pdh" Alias "PdhGetCounterInfoA" _
(ByVal hCounter As Long, _
ByVal bRetrieveExplainText As Boolean, _
pdwBufferSize As Long, _
lpBuffer As Any) As Long
dwLength As Long
dwType As Long
CVersion As Long
CStatus As Long
lScale As Long
lDefaultScale As Long
dwUserData As Long
dwQueryUserData As Long
szFullPath As Long
szMachineName As Long
szObjectName As Long
szInstanceName As Long
szParentInstance As Long
dwInstanceIndex As Long
szCounterName As Long
buf(3) As Byte 'Padding?
szExplainText As Long
DataBuffer As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" _
(ByVal lpString1 As String, _
ByVal lpString2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(Destination As Any, _
Source As Any, _
ByVal Length As Long)
'各Performance Object情報格納用
Object As String 'Object名
ObjectHelp As String 'Object説明
Instances() As String 'Object内のInstance名の配列
Counters() As String 'Object内のCounter名の配列
CounterHelps() As String 'Object内のCounterの説明の配列
End Type
Public Sub DspPerformanceList()
Dim voObjArray() As OBJECT_SERIES
Dim vlStartRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim vlInstCnt As Long
Dim vlCntrCnt As Long
GPrcGetPdhObjectList voObjArray
vlStartRow = 2
For i = 0 To UBound(voObjArray)
With ActiveSheet
.Cells(vlStartRow, 1).Value = voObjArray(i).Object
.Cells(vlStartRow, 3).Value = voObjArray(i).ObjectHelp
End With
For j = 0 To UBound(voObjArray(i).Instances)
ActiveSheet.Cells(vlStartRow + j + 1, 2).Value = voObjArray(i).Instances(j)
Next j
For k = 0 To UBound(voObjArray(i).Counters)
With ActiveSheet
.Cells(vlStartRow + k + 1, 3).Value = voObjArray(i).Counters(k)
.Cells(vlStartRow + k + 1, 4).Value = voObjArray(i).CounterHelps(k)
End With
Next k
vlInstCnt = UBound(voObjArray(i).Instances) + 1
vlCntrCnt = UBound(voObjArray(i).Counters) + 1
vlStartRow = vlStartRow + IIf(vlInstCnt > vlCntrCnt, vlInstCnt, vlCntrCnt) + 2
Next i
End Sub
'第一引数 : 未初期化のOBJECT_SERIES型の配列
'仕様 : 未初期化のOBJECT_SERIES構造体を渡すとパフォーマンスオブジェクトと同数の
' OBJECT_SERIESインスタンスが返却される。各OBJECT_SERIESインスタンス内に
' そのオブジェクトのカウンタ/インスタンス情報が格納される
Public Sub GPrcGetPdhObjectList(argoObjSeries() As OBJECT_SERIES)
Dim vlHQuery As Long '問合せへのハンドル
Dim vlSize As Long 'Object文字列リストのサイズ
Dim vsObjectList As String 'Object文字列(MULTI_SZ形式)
Dim vlStart As Long '文字列切出し時の各Object名の最初の文字位置
Dim vvEnd As Variant '文字列切出し時の各Object名のNULL終端文字の位置
If PdhOpenQuery(vlHQuery) <> 0 Then Exit Sub
PdhEnumObjects vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNullString, _
vsObjectList = Space(vlSize)
If PdhEnumObjects(vbNullString, vbNullString, vsObjectList, _
vlSize, PERF_DETAIL_EXPERT, False) <> 0 Then Exit Sub
vlStart = 1
vvEnd = InStr(vlStart, vsObjectList, Chr(0), vbBinaryCompare)
If vvEnd = 0 Or IsNull(vvEnd) Then Exit Do
If vlStart = 1 Then
ReDim argoObjSeries(0)
ReDim Preserve argoObjSeries(UBound(argoObjSeries) + 1)
End If
argoObjSeries(UBound(argoObjSeries)).Object = _
Mid(vsObjectList, vlStart, vvEnd - vlStart)
FnGetPdhObjectItemList argoObjSeries(UBound(argoObjSeries)), vlHQuery
If Asc(Mid(vsObjectList, vvEnd + 1, 1)) = 0 Then Exit Do
vlStart = vvEnd + 1
PdhCloseQuery vlHQuery
End Sub
'第一引数 : ObjectメンバにObject名が入ったOBJECT_SERIES型のインスタンス
'第二引数 : 問合せへのハンドル
'仕様 : 第一引数のObjectメンバのObject名からCounter名,Instance名を検索し
' 第一引数のargoObjeSeriesの該当メンバに情報を格納
Private Function FnGetPdhObjectItemList(argoObjSeries As OBJECT_SERIES, _
arglHQuery As Long) As Boolean
Dim vlCounterSize As Long 'Counter文字列リストサイズ
Dim vlInstanceSize As Long 'Instance文字列リストサイズ
Dim vsCounterList As String 'Counter文字列リスト(MULTI_SZ形式)
Dim vsInstanceList As String 'Instance文字列リスト(MULTI_SZ形式)
Dim vsInstForExplain As String 'PdhAddCounter用Instance名
Dim vsExplain As String 'Counter説明文字列
Dim vlStart As Long '各Counter/Instance名の開始位置
Dim vvEnd As Variant '各Counter/Instance名のNULL終端文字位置
Dim vyFailFlg As Boolean '切出し失敗フラグ
vlCounterSize = 0: vlInstanceSize = 0
PdhEnumObjectItems vbNullString, vbNullString, argoObjSeries.Object, _
vbNullString, vlCounterSize, _
vbNullString, vlInstanceSize, _
vsCounterList = Space(vlCounterSize): vsInstanceList = Space(vlInstanceSize)
If PdhEnumObjectItems(vbNullString, vbNullString, argoObjSeries.Object, _
vsCounterList, vlCounterSize, _
vsInstanceList, vlInstanceSize, _
PERF_DETAIL_EXPERT, 0) <> 0 Then Exit Function
If (vlInstanceSize > 2) Then
vlStart = 1
vvEnd = InStr(vlStart, vsInstanceList, Chr(0), vbBinaryCompare)
If vvEnd = 0 Or IsNull(vvEnd) Then
vyFailFlg = True: Exit Do
End If
If vlStart = 1 Then
ReDim argoObjSeries.Instances(0)
ReDim Preserve argoObjSeries.Instances(UBound(argoObjSeries.Instances) + 1)
End If
argoObjSeries.Instances(UBound(argoObjSeries.Instances)) = _
Mid(vsInstanceList, vlStart, vvEnd - vlStart)
If vlStart = 1 Then
vsInstForExplain = Mid(vsInstanceList, vlStart, vvEnd - vlStart)
End If
If Asc(Mid(vsInstanceList, vvEnd + 1, 1)) = 0 Then Exit Do
vlStart = vvEnd + 1
ReDim argoObjSeries.Instances(0)
End If
vlStart = 1
vvEnd = InStr(vlStart, vsCounterList, Chr(0), vbBinaryCompare)
If vvEnd = 0 Or IsNull(vvEnd) Then
vyFailFlg = True: Exit Do
End If
FnGetPdhCounterExplain argoObjSeries.Object, _
Mid(vsCounterList, vlStart, vvEnd - vlStart), _
vsInstForExplain, _
arglHQuery, _
If vlStart = 1 Then
ReDim argoObjSeries.Counters(0)
ReDim argoObjSeries.CounterHelps(0)
ReDim Preserve argoObjSeries.Counters(UBound(argoObjSeries.Counters) + 1)
ReDim Preserve _
argoObjSeries.CounterHelps(UBound(argoObjSeries.CounterHelps) + 1)
End If
argoObjSeries.Counters(UBound(argoObjSeries.Counters)) = _
Mid(vsCounterList, vlStart, vvEnd - vlStart)
argoObjSeries.CounterHelps(UBound(argoObjSeries.CounterHelps)) = vsExplain
If Asc(Mid(vsCounterList, vvEnd + 1, 1)) = 0 Then Exit Do
vlStart = vvEnd + 1
FnGetPdhObjectItemList = IIf(vyFailFlg, False, True)
End Function
'第一引数 : Object名
'第二引数 : Counter名
'第三引数 : Instance名
'第四引数 : 問合せへのハンドル
'第五引数 : Counterの説明を受取るバッファ
'仕様 : 第一〜第三引数に対応するCounterの説明文字列を第五引数に格納
Private Function FnGetPdhCounterExplain(argsObjectName As String, _
argsCounterName As String, _
argsInstanceName As String, _
arglHQuery As Long, _
argsExplain As String) As Boolean
Dim vsCounterPath As String 'Counterパス
Dim vlCounterInfoSize As Long 'PDH_COUNTER_INFO必要サイズ
Dim vlHCounter As Long 'カウンタへのハンドル
Dim vcBuf() As Byte 'PDH_COUNTER_INFOのバイトシーケンス情報
vsCounterPath = "\" & argsObjectName
If Len(argsInstanceName) Then
vsCounterPath = vsCounterPath & "(" & argsInstanceName & ")"
End If
vsCounterPath = vsCounterPath & "\" & argsCounterName
If PdhAddCounter(arglHQuery, vsCounterPath, vlHCounter) <> 0 Then
argsExplain = "": Exit Function
End If
PdhGetCounterInfo vlHCounter, True, vlCounterInfoSize, ByVal 0
ReDim vcBuf(vlCounterInfoSize)
If PdhGetCounterInfo(vlHCounter, True, vlCounterInfoSize, vcBuf(0)) <> 0 Then
argsExplain = "": Exit Function
End If
CopyMemory vtCounterInfo, vcBuf(0), Len(vtCounterInfo)
argsExplain = Space(vlCounterInfoSize)
If lstrcpy(argsExplain, vtCounterInfo.szExplainText) = 0 Then
argsExplain = "": Exit Function
End If
FnGetPdhCounterExplain = True
End Function